Completion Campaign Overview
It is not uncommon for an undergraduate student to find themselves in a situation where a break in enrollment is necessary. While there are many extenuating circumstances and challenges surrounding a student taking a break prior to graduation, Graduation Planning & Strategies (GPS) is fully committed to finding a way to assist every undergraduate student to completion of their degree!
Since 2017, the GPS Completion Campaign has helped students navigate barriers by providing support, a connection to resources, and a PLAN to gain the academic momentum needed to reach the graduation finish line.
Barriers to graduation success are most notably recognized by a change in attitude or action towards academic commitment leaving progression to degree completion stalled. Often there is an underlying contributor such as personal illness, mental fatigue, or experiencing a crisis that may trigger the need for an academic break. Additional roadblocks include a loss or end of financial support, a shift in family or work obligations, or a relocation causing lack of accessibility to campus on the way to the graduation finish line.
These are just some of the reasons why it might take creative thinking, additional resources, or a partnership to support student academic success to degree completion. GPS helps students reconnect with their campus partners, research options, and form a plan to realize their academic goals.
How to Address Barriers for a Successful Return
What is standing in your way?
Did you struggle to pass a milestone which put you off map? Do you need or want to change your major? Did your commitment to your major focus change?
For academic questions, you will want to first reach out to an academic advisor in your major area and in some cases, you may be referred to the Academic Dean of your college. To explore or change your major, you will need to seek information from an academic advisor in the new area of interest. Contact information for academic advisors and mapping coordinators is available via the Advisor Search.
Schedule cancellation for non-payment? Do you owe a balance? In collections? Are you worried about how to pay for school? SAP appeal restrictions?
The Office of Financial Aid is your one-stop shop for understanding funding options and qualifications, guidelines for renewal, and disbursement timing and process.
The Office of Student Finance is the collector of monies owed to the university. You will want to work with them to resolve a schedule cancellation note, financial and collections holds, negotiate a payment plan, or make a payment.
Have you been out of enrollment for 3 or more semesters? Do you see a Readmission Hold on your student account?
Students who have not enrolled in classes at FSU for 3 consecutive semesters will need to apply for
readmission to activate future enrollment. You will find the readmission application and deadlines for each semester here.
Do you no longer reside in Tallahassee but plan to return? Are you completing a degree that is only offered in person?
University Housing can help students explore living options on campus, and for student accommodations in the surrounding area visit the Off-Campus Housing Marketplace.
Did you walk away from your education? Were there circumstances during your last term/s at FSU that influenced your ability to return? Did you have a change in priorities? Did you have an extended illness or accident?
The Department of Student Support and Transitions (DSST) provides Case Management and Withdrawal Services to support students through personal hardships by connecting them with on campus resources and fostering communication with campus partners.
When you are ready to return, we are here to help. To start the conversation, if you have earned over 100 credit hours, contact Lynn Helton, or (850) 644-2144 or if you have earned fewer than 100 credit hours, contact Shel McGuire, or (850) 644-8822.
Completion Campaign Success
To date GPS has identified, reviewed, and often provided personal outreach to over 9,000 academic records of undergraduate degree seeking students who discontinued enrollment before earning their degree. An often forgotten and complex population, we continue to monitor and follow up with these students through their re-enrollment and degree completion journey. Under the direction and persistence of the work provided through the Completion Campaign, GPS has aided in the confirmation of over 4,600 undergraduate degrees.
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